DIAT, Pune Faculty Recruitment
Date of Posting: 16/01/2024
Hiring Institute: Defence Institute Of Advanced Technology
Organization Profile: Defence Institute of Advanced Technology is a premier Institute . It is located in Maharashtra. The span of programs by Defence Institute of Advanced Technology consists of Degree and Diploma courses including 33 PG courses. These courses are available full-time. Defence Institute of Advanced Technology present collection of courses like M.Sc., PG Diploma, M.E./M.Tech and Science, Engineering programs. Defence Institute of Advanced Technology gave you offer to gained expertize through its trained and experienced faculty in the fields of Fire & Safety Engineering , Food & Nutrition, Mathematics, Electronics Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Robotics Engineering, Nanotechnology. Approved bodies such as AICTE recognize and acknowledge the courses that the institute offers.
The most important feature of these 733-seat courses is that they are reasonably priced, which increases accessibility and allows students to further their knowledge and proficiency in the subjects they select. Defence Institute of Advanced Technology offered courses and their fee ranged INR 60,000-338,000 for a total of 733 seats.
Positions: Post-Doctoral Fellow & Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Project Entitled : “Development high entropy alloys electrodes for hydrogen-generation from seawater electrolysis”.
Post Doctoral Fellow :
Essential Qualification: PhD
Area of Specialization:
Electro – Chemistry/ Materials Science/ Materials Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Metallurgy/ Production Engineering / Civil Engineering / Applied Chemistry/ Corrosion Engineering.
Junior Research Fellow (JRF):
Essential Qualification: B.E./B.Tech in First Division with NET/GATE qualification or Qualification of National Level examinations conducted by Central Govt. Institutions OR M.E./M.Tech in First Division both atGraduate and Post graduate level.
Area of Specialization: Electro-chemistry/ Materials Science/ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Metallurgy/ Production Engg./ Civil Engg./ Applied Chemistry/ Corrosion Engineering.
Job Location: Pune, Maharashtra
How to Apply: A Brief bio-data duly signed, Application form (available on website), Proof of Date of Birth, BE./B.Tech M.E/M.Tech mark sheets and degree certificate may be sent to the email ID of the Principal Investigator
( [email protected] / [email protected] ) in PDF form as a single file, with a subject titled “Application for JRF” on or before 25th January, 2024.
An interview (in person or via video conference) will be scheduled for the applicants based on their suitability for the project. Each candidate on the shortlist (for the interview) will receive an email notifying them specifically. There will be no TA or DA for showing up for the interview in any format.
Candidates have to have their original applications with all necessary educational and other supporting documents/project reports/publications etc., at the time of interview.
College Website URL: https://diat.ac.in/
Email id: [email protected] / [email protected]
College Address:
Defence Institute Of Advanced Technology,
Girinagar, Pune – 411 025