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HPPSC, Assistant Librarian Recruitment

HPPSC Assistant Librarian Recruitment

Posted Date: 26.12.2023

Job Title: Assistant Librarian

Essential Qualification:

1.Should have passed Matriculation Examination from a recognized University / Board or its equivalent.
2. Must possess a certificate / Diploma of one year duration in library science from any recognized university / Board / Institution.

Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Application(ORA) are available on the website of the
Commission i.e. “http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc”.
1. Desirous/eligible candidates must have to apply online through official website of the Commission i.e.
http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and will be
rejected straightway.
2. The desirous and eligible candidate may visit the official website of the Commission (http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc)
and click on the link “Apply Online” on the Home Page. On the opened page the candidate willclick on the link “One
Time Registration (OTR) for Examinations” and onthe opened page will register and create his / her profile by clicking
on “New Registration” if not registered already. After registration or if already registered the candidate will have to log
into his / her account in OTR page, Once logged in, the list of live advertisements will  displayed to the candidate on
the dashboard. Candidate willapply for a particular post through this portal only. The application of the candidate will
be submitted only after uploading of requisite documents as per advertisement. Before submission of application, the
candidate will have to give an undertaking/ declaration that:- “It is certified that I have checked the preview of all the
requisite uploaded documents and I am satisfied that documents are legible, readable and true. That I shall not
object to rejection of my candidature based on the sole reasons of uploaded documents being non-readable/
poor quality of scanning.”
3. An application submitted in online mode shall be deemed to have been successfully submitted only after payment of fee has been acknowledged and the fee is credited to the account of the Commission.
4. Online Recruitment Application (ORA) once submitted shall not be allowed any change except change of category as per
procedure laid down in Rule 5(iv) of HPPSC (Procedure and Transaction of Business) Rules, 2023.
5. Application without scanned latest photograph or signature shall be rejected straightaway.

Website Link: http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc

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