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Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal Job Openings 2023

Gnanamani College of Technology Namakkal

Posted Date: 12/12/2023

Organization Name:  Gnanamani College of Technology (Autonomous)

About Organization: In the year 2006, Gnanamani College of Technology (Autonomous) was founded. It is the center of attention for the Trust’s Gnyanamani Educational Institutions (GEI) cluster of educational institutions. The academic environment at the college is friendly and supportive of advanced study and research. The Wi-Fi interactive electronic boards in the high-tech classrooms, along with staff and student laptops, allow for IT integration. Every department has a private space that is air-conditioned, tastefully furnished, and outfitted with the newest technology. Students and staff have access to a well-stocked, computerized central library as well as a dedicated internet lab after hours. 

Designation: Professor,Associate Professor,Assistant Professor.

Non-Teaching Jobs:  Accountant, Lab Technician (All Branches), System Administrator, Network Administrator, College Campus Supervisor, Electrical Supervisor, ERP Operator, Hostel Mess Supervisor, Computer Operator, Hostel Wardens (Gents and ladies), Assistant Librarian, Physical Directors, CNC Operator with Programming Knowledge.

Eligible Criteria: B.Com. / M.Com. / B.Pharm / M.Pharm / B.Sc. /  M.Sc. / M.Phil / B.E. / Diploma in any of the above discipline

Interview Process:  Written and Board Presentation

Apply Mode: Google forms

Last Date to Apply: 23-12-2023

College Website: http://www.gct.org.in

College Address:
Gnanamani College of Technology Namakkal
NH-7, A.K.Samuthiram,
Pachal-Post, Namakkal-637 018,
Tamilnadu, India.

Contact Person Number: 7598293888, 7598293999

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