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NIT, Warangal Recruitment of Faculty Positions

NIT Warangal

Date of Posting: 15/01/2024

Hiring Institute: National Institute of Technology, Warangal 

Organization Profile: National Institute of Technology Warangal is an Institution of National Importance functioning under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Government of India, governed by the National Institutes of Technology, Science Education and Research (NITSER) Act, 2007. With an objective of having continuous employment opportunity, the Institute invites online applications on rolling basis, for filling of faculty positions at the following levels in various specializations of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Managemen:


1. Assistant Professor Grade II 
2. Assistant Professor Grade II 
3. Assistant Professor Grade I 
4. Associate Professor 13A2
5. Professor 14A


Biotechnology :

(i) Biosensor & Bio-Nanotechnologies
(ii) Neurobiology
(iii) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
(iv) Plant Biotechnology
(v) Metagenomics
(vi) Infectious Diseases

Chemical Engineering :
(i) Process dynamics and control
(ii) Colloids and Interfacial Science
(iii) Advanced Drug delivery systems
(iv) Advanced materials
(v) Granular Flows
(vi) Microfluidics
3. Chemistry:

(i) Experimental Physical Chemistry
(ii) Organometallic Chemistry
(iii) Bioinorganic Chemistry
(iv) Bioorganic Chemistry
(v) Experimental Spectroscopy
4. Civil Engineering

(i) Transportation Engineering- Travel Demand Modelling, Transportation Network Analysis, Public Transportation Systems, Freight Transportation.
(ii) Geotechnical Engineering- Offshore Geotechnics.
(iii) Construction Technology and Management – Infrastructure and Construction Management, Automation in construction Building Information Modelling and Integrated Project Delivery.
(iv) Structural Engineering -Structural Dynamics, Computational Mechanics, Steel Structures.
(v) Water Resources Engineering– Subsurface Hydrology, Computational Hydraulics and Hydrology, Water – Agriculture-Climate Change
(vi) Environmental Engineering
(vii) Remote Sensing and GIS – Geomatics, Geoinformatics, and Spatial Technology.
5. Computer Science & Engineering
(i) Computer Networks and Technologies
(ii) High Performance, Distributed and Cloud Computing
(iii) Software Engineering and Software Defined Networks
(iv) Theoretical Computer Science and Algorithms
(v) Information Security
(vi) Computational Intelligence Systems and Techniques
6. Electrical Engineering
(i) Electric Transportation.
(ii) Smart Electric Grid
(iii) Control & Automation
(iv) Embedded Systems
7. Electronics & Communication Engg.
(i) Embedded Systems/VLSI Architectures
(ii) Speech/image/video/ biomedical signal processing
(iii) Wireless / Optical Communications and Networks
(iv) RF and Microwaves, 5G/6G Technologies
(v) Analog and Mixed Signal Design / Device Modeling
8. Humanities and Social Sciences
(i) English
(ii) Sociology
(iii) Economics
(iv) Sanskrit
9. Mathematics :

(i) Statistics
(ii) Theoretical Computer Science
(iii) Data Bases
(iv) Functional Analysis
(v) Algebra
10. Mechanical Engineering
(i) Nano Mechanics / Bio-Mechanics
(ii) Rotor Dynamics & Controls
(iii) Robotics and Industrial Automation
(iv) Industrial Engineering
(v) Advanced Machining Processes
(vi) Automobile Engineering / Automotive Engineering / Hybrid Vehicles
11. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
(i) Computational Materials Science/Engineering
(ii) Extractive Metallurgy
(iii) Corrosion Engineering
(iv) Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation
(v) Biomaterials
12. Physics

(i) Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Photonics/ Applied Optics/ Material Science/ Theoretical Physics
13. School of Management
(i) Operations Management
(ii) Business Analytics& Technology Management
(iii) IT and Systems
(iv) Finance & Accounting
(v) Marketing
(vi) Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management

How to Apply: 

Applications will be accepted online only. Any applications received by way of other means such as post/ e-mail, etc., will be summarily rejected and will not be considered under any circumstances.
 Candidates willing to apply for one or more posts may apply through online recruitment portal available at https://recruit.nitw.ac.in

For Detailed Notification : Click here

College Website URL: https://www.nitw.ac.in/

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